Award-Winning Care, Providence Pointe Healthcare


Discover Providence Pointe Healthcare

For over four years, friends and neighbors in Western Kentucky have turned to Providence Pointe Healthcare for award-winning care.


While others talk about offering high quality care, Providence Pointe Healthcare is winning awards for it.

Whether you need a ‘bridge’ of care between hospital and home for a few days, a short-term ‘journey’ for managing a health episode, or a long-term plan for managing chronic illness, teams at Providence Pointe Healthcare are ready to match just the right services to meet your needs.


Recuperate quickly after a hospital stay, easing the transition home.


Energy and motivation to achieve goals before going home.


Respect, dignity, and a personal touch make all the difference.


Easy-in, easy-out rehab solutions to help you fully recover.


Compassion and comfort to alleviate symptoms.


A home for enjoying the best of life with friends.

 Customer Hall of Fame

Everyone has a story to tell, and we are thrilled that both current and former residents enjoy telling their stories! After all, its their first-hand experience and perspective that tells our story the best. Discover all they have to say about the care they received and the exceptional outcomes they achieved during their stay - and still enjoy back home.